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Water is heated via your existing immersion heater, using surplus power that would otherwise have been exported to the grid. Page 5: Technical Specifications. 2 Contents 1 overview 4 2 technical specifications 5 3 installation 6 3.1 mounting 6 3.2 electrical connections 7 3.3 clamp installation 8 3.4 wiring diagrams 9Doc ID: ProductsT1070Instructions. Version No.: 1.2. Location: T:ProductsWirelessSensor. Page 2. I. N. V. E. R. T. E. R. W. I. N. D. T. U. R. B. I. N. E. 2. Contents. Introducing the immerSUN. Main Screen. Savings. Boost (Manual). Boost (Timed). Menu. View Readings. Advanced Settings. External Boost Input. 2) 34 Wiring: Dual Tariff (Single Meter) 36 Wiring: Dual Tariff (Dual Meter) 38 Error Messages Technical Specification 40 42 2 Introducing the immerSUN For boost times crossing midnight, two time slots will need to be used. The immerSUN can be programmed to boost the heating for each heater at certain times. Water heating for your PV system. Installation and user guide v1.2 Often, the most suitable location for the immerSUN is near to the consumer unit. If Heater 2 reaches maximum temperature, the display will show HOT and the immerSUN will switch the relay over so that Heater 3 can be heated. During heating of
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